Friday, July 23, 2010

Time Warners New Commercial

Yesterday I had the joy of seeing Time Warners latest commercial. It basically was to let us know that our kids need better education and training in the high tech fields. I will agree with that to a point, but lets be realistic.
Our society has gotten way to technical and way to corporate and there are not enough jobs to cover all the people that are looking for them.What our education system needs to start focusing on is what this country needs to survive. We need farmers, homemakers, small business owners, ect. Our society needs to get away from making these big corporations even richer and focus back on helping our neighborhoods. We do not need a giant plasma tv, we don't need 4 computers in the house, we don't need a cell phone for every child, we need to make our lives simpler.
I know some will say their kids need a cell phone, "oh how will I know where they are?" "what if they get kidnapped?" Bullshit!! I was once a child and I lied about where I was all the time, you think your kid is special? As far as kidnapping, the first thing a kidnapper will do is check a kid for a phone and dispose of it.
Our school system needs to get back to teaching the basics, 99% of the kids in school DO NOT need to know a foreign language, they do not need to know calculus. The government has forced our kids into trying to learn way to much in a short period of time and it is actually making them dumb. School hours have not changed since I went to school back in the 70's yet they are taught twice as much. A person can not learn anything well if they are flooded with too much info on many subjects.
Lets all get back to basics and make this country great again.

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