Monday, August 23, 2010

What a rain we had!

Yesterday was quite a day around here. It rained for about 36 hours, sunday night into monday night. The nice thing about it, the rain was a slow soaking rain. The bad thing was power outages around and being stuck inside. Since I was stuck in the apartment all day I decided to look around and change things around. It might sound weird but I am making my bedroom into my living room and visa-versa. Why you ask. My bedroom window is in direct sunlight first thing in the morning, I like sleeping in now and then. The biggest reason was storage. Off my living room is a small closet, small enough for all my hanging clothes and some storage. In the bedroom is a huge closet that is way too big for my clothes. Why not use that closet for my pantry and have about 2 1/2 times the storage space. The bedroom is the same size as the living room and will be easier to cool on the hot summer days.
I just think it will all work out a lot better. I know visitors will see it as weird but I never said I was normal. I think it will work well for me. Around here at night it is very quiet, daytime having the living room in the bedroom there will be hardly any noise. Right now in the living room I hear every person talking outside, every car driving by, ect, ect.
Just a note, using a website I found for calculating food storage I now have 4 months of survival food saved up. I am waiting on the landlord to let me know about putting in a small garden here next year. I am already planning it out.
The website, if your interested is: http://www.foodstorageanalyzer.com it goes by calories so remember that as you figure out your food supply.

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