Thursday, October 7, 2010

Political Ads On TV

First off I am just sick and tired of all this crap on tv. I realize they have the right to advertise and let the voters know about the campain but enough is enough! Almost every ad I see on tv is an ad that is trying to destroy the oponent.
First, if you are running for an office then let me know what the hell you can do, not what the other person can't do! Slander ads should be outlawed.
Second, all these slander ads are counter-productive. Are politicians and thier campain people that stupid?
Here is a run down of the ads from my area:
The whole ad has a huge picture of the oponant they are trying to slander. Most times it includes his party and his name also. The whole ad talks about how bad this person is. It is not until the very end of the ad that the person running for office is mentioned and in small print (compared to all the other print in the ad) is the "good guys" name.
Here is how the average voter will see this ad. Most americans care more about "Idol" than real voting. The only thing they will remember from this ad is the "bad guys" name and THAT will be the person they will vote for. They will walk into the voting booth and look over all the names of the people running and they will remember the biggest face, the biggest name and the ad they see the most. They will vote for the person the ad was not for only because of a minimal attention span when it comes to politics.

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