Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Goodbye Government

This morning I was actually happy to watch the news on tv. Most times I hate it because of all the problems going on in the world. This morning was so nice when they talked about the primary elections on how all across the country the voters are finally saying NO! to all this government BS. As I have told people for years, stop complaining and go vote. To be more precise, we need to vote EVERY single person that is in a state or federal office out of office this November. then in 2 years if nothing is changed, vote them out again till we get an elected government that is for the people.
The other news that made my day was all the voting on school budgets around where I live. Many, many voters voted no on their perspective budgets. Good for them! These school budgets are getting way out of hand also. One school district near me actually had a budget that they put forth that would have raised the residents taxes up 25%. THAT! is ridicules. This district had so many voters turn out that they actually had to wait hours to vote.
I also believe our schools/government is trying to teach way too much to our children. When I graduated school the requirements for a diploma was simple, 4 yrs english, 3 yrs social studies/history, 1 yr math, 2 yrs science and 1 elective. Now they have so much they can not learn it. The schools are teaching our children twice as much but the time in school has not changed. In short, students do not have the time to learn everything that is thrown at them. Maybe it is part of the plan to dumb up America, who knows.
I know some will say our children need all that extra learning to make it now-a-days. Yes they do need more, but why should all the taxpayers pay for it? If you want your child to learn latin, french, ect, buy a book for them or buy that rosetta stone they advertise on tv. The same goes for many of the once called elective courses that are now mandatory.
There are thousands of colleges and business schools out there now that your child can go to. I know! maybe they should all join the military, free schools, free travel, free insurance, free health care, and they get paid well for it. Just think if every child went into the military upon graduating high school in 2 generations almost no one would be without health care.
That's my opinion and I am sticking to it!

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