Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy Memorial Day

I would like to take this time to wish every veteren of the US Armed Forces a Happy Veterens Day and say THANK YOU! It is one day of the year that our country should be honoring all of us veterens, many do but many do not unfortunately. I am 3rd generation Army and very proud of my service and that of my father and grandfather. I have been doing some geneology research and it actually looks like there has been military in my family since 1700 ad.
I would also like to take this time to tell people to have real heroes in their lives. Heroes that did something, not these so called heroes that many people honor from Hollywood and the music industry. I like Black Sabbath but in no way would I concider Ozzy a hero, I like many movies but would never concider Bruse Willis a hero. And for god's sake stop idolizing all these dumbass reality shows, they are all fake hollywood crap.
On this day I would like to give one more thanks to all my heroes:
1. My father
2. My grandfather
3. General Omar Bradley, I worked with him back in the 70's
4. Mr, Kimball, a teacher that made learning fun
5. All the Men and Woman that has served, do serve and will serve in the Armed Forces.

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