Sunday, May 2, 2010

I Love Knives

Oh yes, I loves knives probably more than the average person. At any given time I have at least 3 knives on me. Most people just think of a knife as a weapon or something to cut with, that is so far from the truth. A knife is the most versital tool you can have in your survival kit. You should have more than one, btw.
Lets look at a knife's function. A knife can kill, cut, whittle, save a life, make a weapon, feed you and build things. The simple one is of course killing that one is plain and straight forward. It can be the one thing that changes an outcome from your dead to your alive. Cutting is basic too, from cutting a rope you need to put up your tent to cutting an animal apart to feed you and your family. Whittling can go many ways, as something to pass the time of day to whittling out a spear. Saving a life you may ask. Protecting yourself from attackers to cutting an ambilical cord a knife can save a life. So many types of thiings can be made with a knife to make weapons. A spear is the simplist all the way to traps for small animals. Feeding you can go from using a knife to actually kill your food to skinning it, to cutting it apart. You may need that knife to dig your food out of the ground or some honey out of a tree. Building things is covered by many things I have already mentioned, with a good set of knives you could build a survival camp. Yep, just with the knives! From the kindling for the fire to the larger branches for the fire. With the knives you can build the whole shelter, get food, cut up the food and eat it with a knife. If one of your knives is shiny you can even signal with it.
As you can see a few good knives are a must have for anyone who wants to survive. Personally I have a pocket knife, a lockblade, a bowie knife and a multi-function tool. Of course I have more than one of each of these because I may not be right where one set of them may be. Do some reasearch and find out which ones you like and start stocking up. You do not have to spend a fortune on a good knife but I do not recommend buying any cheap knives, they are useless after their first use. Last but not least make sure you pick up a couple of good sharpening stones.

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