Thursday, April 22, 2010

It's Spring, Time for Garage Sales!

I love springtime for many, many reasons but one of the best is the beginning of garage and lawn sales. I go to auctions now and then but a good garage sale beats an auction hands down. Tomorrow is the first large garage sale in my area that I have found and I can't wait. The ad lists items from books to furniture and everything in between. Being a person who loves to save money it is my little heaven. When I go to these sales I normally do not have anything in mind of what I want but I always look for books and DVD's. I could not begin to list all the great bargains I have gotten over the years, from an old movie that I love to a almost new recliner.
I know most people who are homesteaders and survivors do not have the problem of buying used but some people do. Those people need to get over that and save, save and save. Use that money you save to put up more in your food pantry or something else important for survival. My father use to say something that stuck with me all my life, "why pay someone else for something you can do yourself." I expanded that to, why pay for new when I can buy used. I do not consider myself as going green but I do believe in reusing good items. My best purchase was a 5kw generator for $100, it didn't look pretty but works perfect, I didn't buy it to impress my friends.
When you go to garage/lawn sales keep an open mind and enjoy shopping. Around where I live almost every small town has a town wide garage sale over the summer months, look for them and you can pick up a lot of good items in just a day. I will update everyone on my purchases tomorrow and why I picked up what I did.
Get out and enjoy some garage sales this year!

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