Monday, April 12, 2010

Start With A List

Once you have decided to prepare for the worst, be it getting fired all the way to our government going to hell, you should sit down and create a list of items you will need. Personally, my list is a group of lists broken down into different catagories. Each person is different and you need to make your own list but for help looking at others lists will help you get started. My list is 20 different list, each having it's own designation. My lists took along time to make and I am always changing items on them. It is best to sit when all is quiet and think about what you will need, picture in your mind each problem and what can help you. Lets just say you loose power, How many flashights do you have? How many batteries? How long will a battery last you, can you recharge it? How are you going to recharge it? Do you have extra bulbs for the flashlight? See, lots of things to think about on something so simple as a flashlight. The following is a list of my lists and in future posts I will break each one down so you may better understand each one.

1.Water List 2.Firefighting List 3.Food List 4.Clothing List 5.Food Prep List 6.Security List 7.Personal Items List 8.Communications List 9.First Aid List 10.Tools List 11.NBC List 12.Books List 13.Personnal Hygiene List 14.Barter List 15.Hunting/Fishing/Trapping List 16.Bug Out Bag List 17.Power List 18.Bug Out Medical Bag List 19.Fuels List 20.Heating List

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